The Great Big Redd Out
Donate your preloved goods to Age NI this September!
Age NI provides products and services specifically designed for older customers.
Donate your preloved goods to Age NI this September!
At this time of year, when kids are heading back to school, it’s an ideal time to declutter at home. Whether it’s your wardrobes, your kitchen cupboards or your garage, have a great big redd out and turn those things you no longer want into vital funds for Age NI!
A bag of items donated to Age NI can be worth up to £15 in resale value. Find your nearest shop:
Address: 22 Mill Street, Ballymena, BT43 5AE
Tel: 028 2564 9988
Hours: Monday-Saturday 9:30am - 4:30pm
Address: 14-16 Central Avenue, Bangor, BT20 3AF
Tel: 028 9127 2527
Hours: Monday-Saturday 9:30am - 4:30pm
Address: 26c Railway Road, Coleraine, BT52 1PD
Tel: 028 7035 1139
Hours: Monday-Saturday 9:30am - 4:30pm
For more information or if you need help with a larger clear out, please contact Sinead McGrath on 07501472332 or email sinead.mcgrath@ageni.org.
Last updated: Aug 13 2024