Clear out for The Great Big Redd Out

Published on 19 August 2024 10:30 AM
Leading charity Age NI are encouraging people to support The Great Big Redd Out this September and donate to the organisation's four shops.
Sinead McGrath, Age NI’s Social Enterprises Manager, explains;
“We’re really excited to launch The Great Big Redd Out for the first time! We’re asking everyone to get on board and support Age NI by donating their preloved items to our four shops. At this time of year, when kids are heading back to school, it’s an ideal time to declutter at home. Whether it’s your wardrobes, your kitchen cupboards or your garage, have a great big redd out and turn those things you no longer want into vital funds for Age NI.”
You can also support The Great Big Redd Out by organising a donation drive in your local school or church or ask your workplace to hold a donation day.
A bag of items donated to Age NI can be worth up to £15 in resale value, helping us continue to provide much-needed support and services for older people across Northern Ireland.”
With over 1,000,000 tonnes of textile waste in the UK each year (including Northern Ireland), 300,000 tonnes end up in landfill. ‘Fast Fashion’ creates excessive carbon emissions, as well as chemical and plastic pollution in our air and water. Donating to a charity shop is also a brilliant way of playing your part in reducing landfill.
You can take part in The Great Big Redd out and donate your pre-loved goods to Age NI’s stores in Bangor, Ballymena, Coleraine and Newtownards, 9.30 am - 4.30 pm, Monday – Friday.
For more information or if you need help with a larger clear out please contact Sinead McGrath on 07501472332 or email or visit