Active & Standing Programmes

Mainly performed standing, some are up to 20-30 minutes, full body workout, expect some cardio (increased heart rate and breathing more heavily) and a good focus on building strength and balance while standing.
Please select one of the programmes below to take part in.
Royal Academy of Dance
Older learners of any ability are invited to try the Royal Academy of Dance’s free ‘Silver Swans’ ballet exercise classes. Performed in a ballet studio to music, this is reminiscent of a ballet class but does not require any specific equipment. You can work on these at your own pace before moving on.
Who’s it for?
“Ballet lovers and anyone looking to improve flexibility to music.”
Click here to view the workouts
Joe Wicks/The Body Coach
Each session lasting 10-15 minutes with a series of 40 second exercises with a 20 second rest in between.
15 minute low impact workout.
10 minute full body home workout.
Who’s it for?
“This is for someone who is already quite active. It involves quite a lot of co-ordination.”
Click here to view the7-Day Seniors Workout Challenge.
Jane Fonda BeFit
American actress and celebrity fitness star, Jane Fonda introduces her Walking Cardio Workout. Jane aims to get you walking a mile in 18-20 minutes, but you can go at your own pace too. Can be done indoors.
Level 1 walking cardio workout.
Who’s it for?
“Those who have a reasonable level of aerobic fitness and also balance, who enjoy exercise classes.”
Falls Prevention Programme
The Belfast Health & Social Care Trust Falls Service offers an online version of their physio-led Strength and Balance exercise programme. Take time to review the information slides within the video content for guidance.
Who’s it for?
“Someone who is already quite active. It involves a lot of co-ordination.”
Click here to view the workout
Stay Active At Home
Expert physiotherapists have designed 6 simple strength & balance exercises you can do from home. Starting is easy - watch the animation, or download a poster on the link. Get on your feet and try these exercises.
Who’s it for?
“For less active people these would be good. Anybody could do them as it’s important to have strength & balance.”
Click here to view the exercises
Royal Osteoporosis Society
This programme of movement is designed for those with Osteoporosis or Osteopenia. After a diagnosis of osteoporosis, or if you have risk factors, you should do more exercise, rather than less. Being physically active and exercising helps you in so many ways.
Who’s it for?
“This is very slow moving and simple. If you are taking things easy, this would be good.”
Click here to view the workout
Get Fit With Ryan
Created for Age NI’s Good Vibrations programme, this exercise series is for older people with a range of abilities, delivered by a qualified trainer. There is a variety of exercises including standing strength & balance, seated & gentle floor exercises, working up to a more cardio based session.
Who’s it for?
“It would suit anybody as Ryan is aware of the wider ability range that he is targeting.”
Click here to view workout videos.
If these workouts are too challenging, you could try the Seated & Gentle section of Live More Move More. Mainly performed seated, tend to be shorter in duration (around 10 minutes), less aerobic, focus on gentle stretches, upper body and core strength.
• More Life Health
• HASfit
• Move with Mary
• 10 Today
• British Gymnastics
See The Complete Programme
Move More Live More is a set of online exercise programmes which have been tried and tested by a panel of older people, aged 65+ of all levels of mobility. Move More Live More will tell you what our panel of testers said about each programme and who they recommend them for. All of the featured programmes are designed specifically for older people and they can be done at home, free, any time, without equipment.
See the full Move More Live More programme PDF.