Spring clean your way to energy savings!

Published on 20 March 2018 12:00 AM
Spring has sprung which means it's time to prepare your home for the warmer weather! Follow Power NI's spring clean check list to help you save money and make your home more energy efficient.
1. Get a FREE Home Energy Check
The warmer weather is upon us and Power NI have the perfect place to start your journey to saving money and energy. Take the free home energy check and you’ll receive a report with changes you can make to reduce your bills and become more energy efficient.
2. Hold back on the heating
Despite the warmer weather, many of us can forget to adjust the heating. Remember to set your thermostat to shorter cycles, coming on later and going off earlier and you’ll be sure to see the savings on your bills.
3. Make use of the natural light
Make the most of the longer days and shorter nights by avoiding turning on the lights when it’s still bright outside. The light from the sun can also be a great way to heat your home so make sure your windows aren’t obstructed to allow the maximum level of light to come through.
4. Invest in energy efficient light bulbs
Even with the brighter nights we can't completely avoid turning on the lights but by using energy efficient LED light bulbs your home will be just as bright while saving you around £35 a year on your bills.
5. Dust your light blubs
If the lights in your home are covered in dust, chances are your whole house looks a little dimmer than it should. So, give your light bulbs a clean (with the lights turned off!) and you could see a huge difference to the brightness of the room..
6. Ditch the tumble dryer
With spring comes the hope of warmer weather and if we’re lucky enough for the sun to come out we should make the most of it and use the washing line to save money and energy.
7. Refresh the fridge and freezer
It's easy to forget that your fridge and freezer are constantly consuming energy. Cleaning your fridge, especially at the back will allow air to circulate freely, using less energy and investing in a more efficient model could save you as much as £62 a year! In your freezer, built up ice can cause energy use to double so make sure to defrost it regularly.
8. De-Fluff!
De-fluff around your radiators as this can prevent heat from flowing freely. Also, clean the filters in your washing machine and dryer as these can clog up quickly and affect the efficiency.
Find out other ways to save energy